Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Etsy Pledge

My husband helped me set up a spot
in the basement to work on my

I decided since I was all set up
I would also spray finish a few gourds.

I sanded four dried gourds and put one
coat of spray polyurethane on them.

The other gourds I left outside.
They are dry and I could start work on them.
Not sure what I want to do just yet.

Some of my fiber friends have an Etsy shop.

I took the pledge to buy handmade.
I took a pledge to support artists.
Etsy is a fun way to do both.

Do you shop Etsy?


Cheryl said...

Dear Sherry....you are so clever.....so innovative.....I love the jack o lantern.....

I have bought etsy pieces in the past. They are lovely and quite unique. Hedgewitch has an etsy shop.......

Lisa at Greenbow said...

I haven't bought anything on Etsy. I haven't even looked at it but you have peaked my interest. I will have to have a look.

Anonymous said...

Oh that Jack-o-lantern is something right out of a horror movie!

I don't do esty, I tend to find out that most the stuff out my spending range.


Q said...

Dear Cheryl,
Thank you. Preserving the Jack-o-lantern is wonderful. Over the years my husband and I have carved many, many Jack-o-lanterns.
I have pictures but to have the actual Jack is just amazing. Come next October I will place him on a stand in my entryway. I could even put a candle in him. I am smitten.
My daughter buys from Etsy. I too shop Etsy. I shall go to Hedgewitch's shop and add her to my favorites. I am wondering if there is a way to shop Etsy local?
I love supporting artists and even more local artists.
The cottage industries are like the internet...grass roots and thriving!

Q said...

Dear Lisa,
I think the Etsy shops are a great idea. A nice way for artists to show their wares. Etsy keeps growing too. I love the way we can support each other...The olde fashioned Cottage Industry with new marketing!
My daughter told me a story about how she went looking for the 2009calender insert for her day planner. She could not find her size at the store...they quit carrying it. She was not sure what she would do. She shopped Etsy and found just the perfect insert! An artist had produced it.
She is thrilled.
I think just about anything can be found on Etsy!
Happy shopping.

Q said...

Dear Cathy,
He is spooky...LOL...
and I am so in love with him, being an October girl and all.
Some of the items on Etsy can be pricey. I do think supporting artists is worth the added dollars...handmade is nice.

ICQB said...

Etsy is a wonderful place. I've only browsed so far, and gone so far as to think about becoming part of Etsy myself, but I haven't bought yet. It has to be a special occasion to splurge on myself, but I know others who did all of their Christmas shopping on Etsy.

Dawn said...

Oh, I love gourd art and just found out about snake gourds, I'm going to try them this summer.
I'm on Etsy and like it. It's a good way to advertise your wares when they are idle.

Dawn said...

I forgot to add....click shop local shown at left on the opening Etsy page. Put your area, ie: western.... or a town/city. It will take you to shops in that description.

Marimoy said...

The jack-o-lantern is fantastic!

I too love etsy.