Wednesday, June 27, 2012

It is sooo hot

It is sooo hot that I am

 shopping for an ice cream maker.
I am thinking of getting the ice cream maker
attachment for my Kitchen Aid.
I love the idea of making ices and sorbets and ice cream!

We set the tumbler up.
After a wee bit of a "miss" start we are finally tumbling rocks.
I am so pleased.

It takes three weeks of tumbling to have polished rocks.
I am hoping to keep on tumbling into the winter.
I want to to do a few mosaics
 before I begin the kitchen back splashes.
I plan on using the rocks we have picked up on our travels.
I want to do fossils and treasured rocks for my back splashes.
It might take a few years of tumbling.
It is a rather small tumbler.
I can make some wonderful gelato while the tumbler tumbles.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer Solstice

We are listening to music today as we celebrate
Summer Solstice.

Once again I am  Falling in Love with summer.

I am gathering for my Winter terrariums.

I am learning about design.

While reading I heard a sound on the front porch.

Baby bunny had found a treat.

Baby bunny is very cute.

Tonight I am setting up the rock tumbler.
I have ideas for kitchen back splashes.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sea Glass and Roses

The Baltimore Orioles are exotic birds.

I enjoy watching them eat the oranges.

We have grapes and grape jelly out too.

The Orioles are pretty birds.

My son sent me three small pieces of sea glass.
They inspired me. I live far from the sea but I do have a rock tumbler. I think it is time to start tumbling. I think it is time for me to make my own sea glass.

The days are hot. I garden in the mornings.

I have fallen in love with roses.
In the afternoons I am doing my research.
 Come next spring I will be ready to plant.

I found a dragon for the side patio.
He shall sit under the Chinese Lilac.
I love collecting dragons.

I collect sand castles too......
and mermaids and seahorses and shells and all manner of
found treasures.
I am looking forward to collecting roses.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Sea Horses, Sea Dragons and Ki

I always have a Sea Horse or two about.
They are in the house
and the gardens.
I love them.
In June the good Sea Horse takes center stage

with the amazing Sea Dragons.
I read about the Weedy and Leafy on line.
I look at pictures and dream about these wonderful creatures.

In June I am studying in my
 Elements of Japanese Design book

the concept of Ki.
I gathered a couple of pieces of found wood
and made a wood sculpture for my desk.
My mechanical pencil needed a holder.
I added a small piece of lovely old wood to my pocket.
Just a small piece to remind me
my knots and grain are to be honored.

We pruned the old wood from the Fig trees.
I saved the wood.
It too is to be honored.