With no rain and temperatures in the upper 90's to 100 F their seeds are ripening.
The Gold Finches do not mind.
No rain.
A Black Swallowtail beckoned me into the sun.
A female Tiger Swallowtail made me forget the heat.
She magically appeared when I was getting ready to go inside.
She is another reason why I love Summer.
I cut out a summer nightgown.
It will sew up quickly.
I am looking forward to making a few silk pieces
for Autumn.
This outfit will be fun to make.
I found a new shop.
I think I will go through my fabric stash.
I am sure I have fabric I will never sew up.
They give store credit.

I want to stay in love with Summer.
I am determined not to let the heat and dryness take away my joy.
There are 95 days from Summer Solstice
to Autumn Equinox. I have decided to find 95 loves.
I am making a list and taking photographs of all that I love about Summer.
A Black Swallowtail beckoned me into the sun.
A female Tiger Swallowtail made me forget the heat.
She magically appeared when I was getting ready to go inside.
She is another reason why I love Summer.
I cut out a summer nightgown.
It will sew up quickly.
I am looking forward to making a few silk pieces
for Autumn.
This outfit will be fun to make.
I found a new shop.
I think I will go through my fabric stash.
I am sure I have fabric I will never sew up.
They give store credit.
I want to stay in love with Summer.
I am determined not to let the heat and dryness take away my joy.
There are 95 days from Summer Solstice
to Autumn Equinox. I have decided to find 95 loves.
I am making a list and taking photographs of all that I love about Summer.
This heat is a deterrent to the enjoyment of summer. This is a summer we won't forget that is for sure.
Funny you found hearts in your garden. I told my DB just today that there were hearts haning on our Forest Pansy Redbud. Noticeable because the leaves are drying up, turning yellow with spots. Sigh~~.
Your sewing project looks like a good thing to be doing inside. :)
Happy Summer anyway.
What a lovely post! Thank you for reminding me to look for the beauties in the midst of this heat. Your photos of the beautiful butterflies is spurring me to get up a bit earlier in the morning, enjoy the coolness (?) before the sun rises, and to venture into the inferno for the elusive photograph of the butterfly tomorrow. :)
Dear Sherry,
Summer heat is such a challenge. I love the fact you stay positive:)
Hang on in there my friend, all will be well, the rain will come. We know this for sure.
The swallowtail is very beautiful. I remember them so well.....they will always stay with me.
Holding you and your gardens in my thoughts..... rain will come.
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